ya Allah..it's frightening me

dear blog..
i know..i know!
it has been a week since i last posted an entry kan?
i'm sorry! it's my bad
well...not that i've fully abandoned u, not at all!
it's just that...i NEED my moment.
i need peace...i need calm
that's just what i want..to deliberate everything.
or specifically, SPM!

now..i just came back from a bookstore
before stepping into the shop, i had challenged myself..
"mimi..dont go to spm's corner coz u'll suffer even more!"
and while picking up some books for my sister..
(okay..she also prefers last minutes study, like me!)
i noticed somebody was spying on me...or maybe he was staring at books,
and aku je yg prasan.
but..hell man! let's just ignored the uncomfortableness
back to my story..
and then...i just cant help it!!
my heart keep pushing me to go to the spm's corner
well..u know wut they said.."just follow ur heart"
and so..i did!
i grabbed the past year's question - biology.
okay i know..i'm very bad at making decision..haha!
i should just picked BM or Maths..so that the pain wouldnt be too much.
and so..i scrutinized the answers..paper 3!
wait..i barely remember what i wrote in the exam!
then..i memorized the objective answers, and they're all gone now.
but HE!! (the one mentioned before) still got eyes on me..
damn it! i hate..hate..hate being stared. (klu handsome, no problem je)
and so i left.. dashed to the counter.

but right now..i'm in remorse + anxious.
ya Allah..will the straight A's slip be mine?
coz that's all i need right now.
i know..tiada urusan di dunia yang mudah melainkan Engkau permudahkannya.

Labels: countdown to spm, sorry