Knock Knock
Who's there !
A Door !
A Door who ?
A-Dore-Able Me!
Who's there !
A Door !
A Door who ?
A-Dore-Able Me!

heee...i'm so bored
there's nothing fun to do..
but just now, i accidently found HER blog and read almost every single details on that blog.
and i was like.."oooh, she got a blog!" and then,
"what? she got what?!!, but she's only 18, isnt it too early for an 18 year old teen to get ummm, engaged?"
oh never mind..it's none of my business anyway!
plus..i also dont really like her, not that she had harmed me, but i just dont like her.
humm ok...lets not talk about her.
she's a strangers, and what do u expect?
so..back to my problem please!
i know i gained a few kilos...
ok fine! i gained a lot! and people around me are trying to tell me bout that in a hazy way!
for example..my mother asked me, "mimi xgi main badminton ko? "
and..my mother's friend was like "mimi pkai baju saiz berape?"
why cant u just be honest?
after all, isnt honesty is the best policy?!
okay..mama, i'll try to get back to badminton, just wait for it lah, okay?
and..what size am i wearing?
it's s/m but i can still fit xs in certain brands but i also got L
wanna know why? coz most of the fats went to my lower parts of body!
and i dont care if people were like " is that a balloons in your pants?" or
"are you wearing any inner pants or what?"
or maybe..yg kes xs tu sbb it was the last piece and the shirt is dangerously cute so i cant helped it.
but seriously, my lower parts of body is the last thing u wanna see!
sangat2 gemuk! huh!
and one more thing that i just figured out is that..
in most of my latest pictures, the double chin seems to be obviously apparent!

hmm..maybe it isnt so obvious yet?
ahh..whatever it is, i HAVE to diet.
tpi mcm mane nk fokus dgn diet?
and the last thing for tonight is that..
OMG..breast cancer.
wut could've been worst than that.
no..i mean, i dont have the guts to face it if i were to have it.
for those women who bravely face it, u guys are definitely the superwomen!
ya Allah..i really really hope that i'll get a chance to live a long, happy live w/o any worrie
but after i saw this picture..
i realised something..
we must be grateful with what we have now..
no need to complain about anything that God gave to us.
after all, beauty is skin deep
and we have to remember one thing,
average women would rather have beauty than brains,
because average man can see better than he can think.
and i myself, definitely dont want to end up as just an average woman!
Labels: countdown to spm