i need...another break huuu

as usual..when it comes to the date which spm result will be release..
there is not only a date..
there must be 2..3..so on and so forth!
some said it's on 28th Feb, others said it's on 29th Feb..
and majority said it's on 14th March
and..which one should i believe and count to??
the answer is..wait till ministry of education announces it..
but the ugly truth is..It'S AROUND THE CORNER!!
tick tock tick tock
omg!!! i'll be facing my days horribly starting by...wait for it...
ummm, NOW!!
okay..chill mimi!
u're a grown up girl already..xkan la nk act like u're in form 3..!!
kuarantin xupdate blog for a week before the result was released..
konon2..it was time for u to repent and bla3..
but fortunately, Alhamdullilah..u got straight A's
and the feeling was...umm, indescribable right?
it felt as though i've completed the revenge for not gettin straight A's in UPSR.
bcoz in my philosophy...i repeat, MY philosophy
so wut if u got 5A's in UPSR when u didnt got 8A's in PMR?
and now the problem is..
mimi..so wut if u got 8A's in PMR if u didnt get straight A's in SPM??
it's meaningless!!
SPM is everything..it's like the world!
spm's trial is nothing to be brag about..
urghh..i really hate people who're like
"what do u got for trial? mine was...hee, straight"
i mean..WHAT DA HELL?
kick buttowski, can u please spin kick that person??!!
urghh please..for me!
or..spongebob, can u make krabby patty out of that person?
i'm like..man!
dont be over- confident.
yeah..klu u punyer trial was straight A's and the REAL SPM u pon, straight jgak..
i'll take down my ego..and salute u for that, congrats!
but..wut if u dont?? arent u just embarrass yourself?
ok..enough with other people's stuff
wut i'm worried the most right now is..MINE!
wut if i dont..and failed to make my parents put on their broadest smiles ever
hug me like there's no tomorrow..
burst into tears..or just sweat their body off and say, "greatly Alhamdullilah"
imagine if that'll happen..if i didnt pass with flying colours,
then, i just cant tell what'll happen
honestly..i'm afraid to imagine it that way.
but..let say if i manage to get grr grr greaaattt result
one thing for sure, i'll die with a smile on my face.
the world would be a much better place to live on
and..so on bla3!! mimi..stop it!
okay..i think i better get some sleep
or else..i'll simply get dizzy..and, have an oversleep day so..walaaahh, gain another pound!