fabulously february
hello Februari..and GONG XI FA CAI too!
it's only been the 3rd day of February yet..there's so many things happen in my life..
first..i get to watch PLAIN JANE at mtv
omg! this is a MUST watch tv programme..
bes sgt2! the 1st ep is really amazing and i'm really looking forward for the 2nd ep
hope it can also wow me
and..on 1st February too, Le Tour de Langkawi 2011 comes to an end, huu

and yerp..i'm a huge fan of LTdL, xcaye ke?
hee, i like it a lot everytime Andrea Guardini smiles..
god i just love a guy with wide smiles..
seems like every problem of mine flew away
and right now! i cant wait for Shibuhara Girls on MTV this 5th february..
and yeah, on 4th Feb..Beast, Gna n 4minute punyer concert at kl only on hitz.tv
huu..in Oh my school, Eunseo is really beautiful even w/o make up
i hate the fact that she made a perfect match with minho..
but..duhh, i dont really care since i dont have crush on minho..or at least not for now

k till then
Labels: average joe, celebs, oh so random, tv programmes