learning time
it was so long since i last went to school..
and..frankly speaking, i missed the old days where i have to study and study and study
but i dont..haha
i only study when it comes to exams..
so wut do u expect from me?
a genius girl..?
haha, wut a joke!
so here i am..
a girl who misses the learning time
ok now lets talk about dandruff
derghh..i hate them!
the itchiness..ohh such an uncomfortable feeling!
from what i've read in web MD
- dandruff isnt contagious
- sharing hairbrush promotes dandruff is a MYTH!! hoorayy..
- dandruff is caused by shampooing too often or not often enough
- buy a hair mask! hair needs protection from sun, just like the skin
- as a teens like me, going gray prematurely doesnt mean i'm aging faster that i should
- rubbing the scalp decreases the tensionnnss and promotes the brain to release the happy hormone! yayyy..now lets scrub our scalp!

as for the face,
- it's a myth that oily foods and chocs cause pimples
- splash cold water in ur face before applying the foundation help closing the pores
- hair must be on the back not front bcoz it contains oil that block pores and cause breakouts
- sunscreens arent only prevent sunburn but also prevent premature aging and skin cancer..okay now i know, sunscreen is a must, xboleh nk malas2 dh
so..k laa!
till then, byee
Labels: oh so random