a lil bit of everything

from morning till night
it's always been the same websites that i went
and..it's always been the same thing
nothing attracts me in
i'm totally super bored right now
and the rain seems
to fall endlessly
huuu...wut a boring post, again!
sorry for making u reading this boring entry..

one thing that i'm positive of for today is that
i think i'm a lil bit of everything
- a lil bit jealous when i saw couple pictures

woooo..i need a hug too, can i?
i crazy over the guy in the picture..
ma, nk kawen!!
euwww...ehemm sgt gedik!
skrg dh xboleh gedik, it's one of my new year's resolutions
so next time
u see me menggedik, feel free to slap me, k?
duhh, seriously
- a lil bit hungry eventhough i've eaten
okay, i've already had two plates of rice, nuggets, tofu and chips
but i'm still hungry..etteoke??!!
-a lil bit angry for being fat
i easily gain weights nowadays..
my goal right now..be the BIGGEST LOSER!
-a lil bit tired of my daily routine
yeah..i am!!
-a lil bit pissed off with somebody
uhh..!! go to hell lah!
-a lil bit evil and harsh with my brother
-a lil bit freezing
-a lil bit scared
i mean..totally freaking out of my spm results
geez..2 more months!