ding ding dong
so..today i made cookies!
well..it's not me who really made it, it's my sister..
i dont know what will the kitchen turned out to if i'm the one who's incharge with the cookies..
i'll definitely turned into meatball..yeah no doubt!
so..it'll be the best if i just leave it all to my sister while i..who dont fast, i mean cant for one reason and u know why..
be the judge of the day..hehe
yeah, it was much better that way, isnt it?
ad while she was busy preparing the cookies..
then i'll be busy taking pictures..
so..here's the pictures of..
kak long's bites!
hahah..kak long ke ni??

hwaa..i really cant wait for that moment!!
oh yeah..
oh yeah..
one more thing, last night i watched camp rock 2 and was totally mesmerized..hypnotized
by the beauty of chloe bridges..

isnt she adorable?
well..i think she is!
and she made a perfect match with nick!

oh god..
poor victoria!
i almost forgot about her..but wuteva it is
victoria is always beautiful..
ehh..chopp!! dont misunderstood me okay, i'm not a lesbian!
and..never will!