jun..oh my lee jun, hehe!

oh yeah, talkin bout june,
i'd like to wish happy birthday to the trio gemini..
which are...
who called herself as wanie powerpuff
rindu kt aku x? ngahaha
dun worry..bilik mung 1st class lonih..
meh meh kapal titanic pecoh..
biaselaah..aku mewarisi mung jgok kehh..
and..the last person is..
my lil cousin..alia!
happy 1st birthday alia!!
happy birthday to all the geminis!!
oh...before i forgot, i just wanna informed u guys dat i'm getting addicted to marshanda..the indonesian actress..thanks to my lil sister who send d'virus
just now, i watched her videos when she's in her uncontrolled mind after broke off with few guys
it's really embarrassing but..in dat videos..gosh!
she looked stunning!
rambutnya cantik benor eventhough it's lil bit blonde!!
so..it kinda put me in dilemma, should i cut my hair short since global warning is d'main reason..
or should i just keep my hair n make them grow longer..then, i can cut n dye it after i reach 17..
think! think!
but.. i kinda look weird with short hair which i had last year..and the hair stylist also said short hair doesnt match my face..but god! the weather is really killing me!!
ohh..let me just think about it for thousand times so that i wont regret..
humm,till then..daaa!
heading off to kl 2morrow..byeeeeee..