time to love

when u're in love with someone who loves u back..
-the world seems to be a better place..much better
-u found a new side of u that u didnt even notice all this time
-u only concern about the good side of him eventhough he's a bad boy
-u promised that study is ur main priority but..u found out that love is your main priority too
-u'll be thinking of him all the time..and hoping that he wont stop sending u sms
-your inbox will be full of his romantic messages
-u got ur handphone in your hand all the time
-he's not the main reason why your grades decreases
-u wish that u'll be dreaming of him everytime u sleep
-he'll sing u a soft lullaby every night..auww, so romantic. tpi janji suara best
-u wish he'll always be there for u, through ur thick n thin

-u'll proudly talk about him with ur girls
-u cant stop smilling everytime u see his face
-u'll make sure that he'll say "i love u" everyday
-your mp3 will be fill with romantic songs, just the way u love it
-u'll take so much time to prepare urself everytime u go for a date with him
-u will take a cooking class so that u can be his personal masterchef
-u memorized everything about him so that u'll look perfect in front of him
-u take pictures with him and always stare at the pictures
-u wont blame him for making u sleep late at night and causing u're phone bills increase crazily
so..my question is, are these the symptoms of a person who is inlove?
if it is..then, i guess i'm not ready yet for it..
okay..bye, i'm off to terengganu