okay now i know

now i know why some women crave for men with hairy arms..
-okay, first of all to make things clear...it isnt me!
i do hate men with hairy arms..legs..or just anything hairy
but when i watched VITAMIN, the doctor said that hairy men have high level of testosterone
so duhh, do i need to explain more!!
now i know why i love to embarrass myself in public..
- bcoz i'm crazy and muka tebal!!
now i know why a guy love to kiss his girl's neck
-this is one thing that i dont really understand
like, why kiss the neck when u can kiss the lips right?
but after i goggled it, i just learn that the neck itself has a lot of nerve endings
so it can stimulates the girl's..ehh, wait!
stop it with the biology stuff
u can think of it by urself..
now i know why there's so many romantic part in the novel
- heeee..bcoz it's my favourite part!!
well, it's everyone's fav part right?
now i know why i should read more novels
- bcoz i'll do my isya' prayer..
and unfortunately..sometimes make me skip my subuh prayer
huuu...what a bad girl i am
now i know why i dont have a boyfriend
- well..it's bcoz i dont want one! haha
okay, that's not even funny right?
umm..i just dont know why
maybe my expectation is too high?
now i know why i'm getting so scared and get a lot of nightmares..
-bcoz spm's result will be unveil in just 2 more months!!
grrr...oh noooo!!!
Labels: oh so random