bitches on road again!

i just cant endure this anymore!
i'm sick of it..SICK OF IT!!
bitches on the road are getting worst day by day!
especially during holidays like now
and u know what, drivers in Kelantan are the worst of the worst..
they know nothing but to jump the queue, hit the red light, and simply kiss other car's ass!
there's no other word suits them but "the bitch"
oh god..they're the reason why i reached my boiling point every single day..
that's why i've decided to just stay at home..and relax my mind out from the madness of traffic
and please dont misunderstood, i dont mean all of the drivers in Kelantan are like that,
but most of them do!
and on last year only, my family's car had been hit twice!
so..those memories make me more phobia when on the road

the first time we had it was when an insane bitch (ppuan) knock off our car's boot and to make things worse, she didnt pay for it
and we prayed that she'll receive her "award" for that
there's not a single sorry words..and she didnt want to get out of from her fcking car
aahh..i just feel like slapping on her face!
"xpo mok cik..Allah knows wut to do"
and..the 2nd one was when i'm on my way to school..PRA SPM - PHYSICS
it was raining heavily, i was reading the notes..and BOOM!!!
a car just hit us!
and thank god, he paid for it and said sorry
but..i reached school nearly 8 am, everyone has already focusing on the papers
while Mr Ng seemed mad at me for arriving so late
luckily he's not the one who's teaching my class
and...the same thing happened today
a car nearly hit us, again!
bengong sgt2..!
dh tau jln jammed tpi bwk krete laju..dh la potong barisan!!
luckily kitorg smpat elak ke tepi
dah la yg jd driver bdak muda, confirm xde lesen sbb mse kete polis lalu, dia nmpk gabra gila!!!
shit sgt2 dia tu!
rse mcm nk turun bgi pnmpar..but wut to do, we're all girls and he's a boy,xbersunat kot!!
klu x sbb rmai org..dh lama bdop laki mengong tu rse pnampar aku nih!
arghhh!!! gila punya manusia!
he deserves a horror murder!!
and i've to figure out something to reduce my boiling point at this moment! time u're in kelantan
pay attention to the drivers on the road!
even those that are educated got no civics when on the road
suka2 hati je ptong barisan! xde otak!!!
and i'm thinking of buying a new sleeping mask for me to wear on the road
maybe u should too
xdela sakit hati sgt nnti
and..mama dan abh dont have to worry, i wont marry a man yg suka potong barisan
org yg potong barisan are my top enemy!!
no matter how handsome or cute he is but when he jumps the queue, he's out from the list!