i'm sorry for what i've been before

everyday seems gloomy to me..
and everything means nothing anymore
it's not that i'm tired of my life..
and neither that anyone has hurt my feeling
but i wonder why i've been so sensitive this few days
one tiny little problem could cause this eyes shed into tears
what exactly happening to me??
i'm not a type of girl who's easily to break down
i think i'm not
i shouldnt cry for i am
this tears are too precious to be excreted out
but they just flow easily when it comes to my parents
i know i'm not a good child for them..
they deserve a girl thats better than me
a girl who wont say "no" whenever they ask her to do anything
a girl who can relieves their exhaustion from works
and a girl who can stand on her own feet, wont be some kind of burden to the parents
and that girl is definitely not me
believe it or not..,
as my age will soon turn 18
i've never wash my own clothes, yes not lying
i'm very rarely do the dishes
i hate doing house chores
i dont like cooking..but i love seeing people cook
i'm just being a couch potato for most of the time
i only make up my room once in 2 months..
only when it gets so messy or my mom has no time to tidy it up for me
i'll make sure i'll get anything i want in a short time
so..call me anything u want
just curse me coz i deserve it
and yes, that's the real me
those things i've just mention are my true colours
i'm just not a good person..and definitely not a good child
but one thing for sure,
my life would be meaningless when my parents arent around me
not seeing their faces in a day really kills me
they mean the world for me
i never say i love them directly but i hope my actions show it
and i just cant imagine my life when it's time for me to separate with them
in every single thing i did..i tried to be act i'm okay
but when it comes to my parents..i failed
i'm definitely not ready for it and forever it will be
i just dont know how people can handle this thing
and..am i tough enough to face this stage?
no i'm not
okay..u may say, "igt dia sorg ke yg syg parents? aku pon syg jgk.."
"elehh..pdahal nk kata dia hargai mak bapak dia"
well..as i've told u before,
u can say anything u want to me, i wont die of it
i dont care a single word of it
but one thing i'm positive of is that..
there's nothing more important in this world than my parents
same thing goes to u too, right?

Labels: sorry