thank youssssssssss

hello, farah nina..!!
this post is specially written for you! (hee..mcm la ado readers lain, huu)
hmm..mulo2 igt nk tulis kt komen blog awk, tpi rsenyo pjg sgt laa!!
so..wat entry je lah ek!
snang cito!
heee...okay now i've a good news and a bad news
good news is
- sy dh abis tgk movie siam,
OMG, bes gilossss!!! hyaaay!
dan skrg cant stop thinking of that movie..
hero dio nsemmmmmmmmmm...!!
but the bad news is
- dh jd totally addicted utk tgk again n again!
heee..msti bes kan klu kito tgk skali, kt cinema..
eat popcorn together...laugh out loud as if there's nobody around!
hwaaa..tpi syg sgt2 sbb kt klate, semo tu mimpi shj!
nnti bilo dh besar kito wat camtu eyh..
sbb skrg x bsar lagi..!!
heeeeeeeee...bes teramat sgt la cito tu,
mcm paham sgt2 soul kito kan?!
tpi bes la Nam sbb dio jd lawa
klu keno kes mcm sy nih, xlawa2 smpai sudoh..hwaa perit jgok!
tpi klkar nk mampos Teacher In tu, hahaha
yg part natural make up tu bes, klkar!

lps tgk cito tu keh..
rse mcm nk back to school life, pastu wat gapo yg Nam buat
nk minat kt handsome guy...phtu baiki diri, wat makeover
dan..yg pnting skali, wat confession!!
hee...confess tu pnting eyh?
auww..malu nyoh!!
laki la ptt confess kn?tpi klu laki tu handsome mcm P Shone,
gerenti sy confess!!
eh..tapi tapi!!! kt zmn skolh mano ado laki handsome!!
klu ado pon sikit sgt2...mcm "makmal"! auwww!!
tpi keh..klu btol ado laki mcm P Shone kt sklh..
confirm sy sokmo fail exam sbb duk focus kt dio jh!
semo bndo dio buat msti nk tgk..
gapo yg dio mkn, msti nk beli..
muko dio..nk simpan ketat2 dlm minda
mesti nk wat overall research psal dio
msti add fb dio..tahu email dio
skodeng kt umoh dio!! intai kt bilik dio!
hwaaa...mitok2 la kt kolej nnti xdop muko mcm P Shone ko..
artis korea ko and so on..
klu x...alamat kno kick off la! huuu..
tpi keh..

tgk tgn dio..duk kt mano!!
huuu..tibo2 raso panas sgt2!
mama..i'm burning like, vigorously! mesti photographer yg suruh wat gini kan..kannnn??!!
positive thinking, mimi!!
nnti yg part 2 kito tgk samo2 ok, klu ado rezeki!!
klu ado cito bes2 oyk tau!!
heeeeee...i loveeeeeeeeeee u!!
not in a lesbian way..but honestly, i love u!!
klu awk ado boyfriend mcm P Shone, i'll kill u!!
Labels: bestfriend, great movie