i need a driver

those taxi drivers..lorry drivers,
they're not intelligent but they can drive
and..so can i!
i thought driving is just about focusing on the road..and the things around us
legs play an important part
and u must not be sleepy when driving.
for me..drivers who drove slowly are inconsiderate
they dont care about other drivers
they dont appreciate the time too

but...it all changed until yesterday.
it was my first time driving on the road
and..all i can say is, i drove so recklessly!!!!
drunk person drove better than i am..!
i was totally an idiotic when it comes to driving
huuu..the car moves like a snake
and..very very slow too
and i'm sorry for raising the driver's boiling points yesterday
i just want to cry...
why am i so powerless when it comes to driving?
maybe i was meant to be a passenger...not a driver
ma..i think i need a driver

Labels: driving academy, sadness