back to december

here i am again tonight!!
posting another entry...huu
getting bored of me??
hwaa..please dont!
coz i'm already bored with myself!
omg..i dont know wut happened to me but,
has anyone else out there ever thinking of commit suicide or..
hmm just anything like that?
well frankly speaking, i have..
i know i a muslim, it's a big sin!
wait no! not only for muslim..
but in any religion..committing suicidal is a big NO
it happened when i was about to take SPM exam last year..
at that moment..there're all sorts of wishes running through my head
they're like
"i wish i'd appreciate the time"
"i wish i have one more month"
"i wish i could survive w/o sleeping"
and lastly...
"i wish i would die"
wait..i just thought of doing it, but done no action to make it happen
urmm..but it sounds crazy right?
and..right now, i'd rather take another SPM than
knowing wut my result will turn up to be, seriously!!
bcoz next week is wayyy scarier from wut i've confronted last year.
hwaaa...i feel like singing Taylor Swift's song-back to december to everyone asking me about spm result..!!
will u people stop asking me that question?
as if it was your business..
as if it is related to you..
as if it was YOURS!
no...i mean,
what if i got a bad result?
what if it'll break my parents' feeling?
will it be a major shame?
will my sisters laugh at me for my idiocy?
will my relatives be talking behind my back?
will people throw their respect on me?
and will my parents say that i took it for granted?
what if i wont be like any of my siblings?
will i be alienated then?
or hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...!!!
i just dont want to face the truth
and i'm not even 18 yet..isnt it too young for me to handle it?
this is so unfair..
but that's wut life is...right?
so wut do u expect...

Labels: boring, countdown to spm