may i know why

is there something wrong with me?something that i cant see, but reflected clearly to others?
am i too unattractive or somekind like that?
or do people find me as an annoying girl?
a girl with extreme level of arrogance?
the same one who look like a bitch or alien?
do most people think of me in that way?
perhaps they did!
and yes i admit..i hardly smile to strangers
when i'm alone in public..i never smile and simply be mute
but THAT doesnt mean I AM ARROGANT!

maybe my facial expression is too hoity toity?
the way i walk...maybe it's too arrogant for public
and when i do my job...people say i get too serious with it
and it reflects my arrogance..
yes..i've once said i dont care of the people's judgement on me
but no..sometimes i cant help it
i NEED to concern about it!
yes i want to break the ice..but no one seems to care
and with that..people simply judge me as an arrogant girl
blogging is wayyy more fun even though i'm only monologue like a mad girl
it puts a question mark when there's a person
approaching another person sitting beside me,
and asking about me! (did u get wut i tried to say)
i mean..WHAT THE HELL?? (i'm here in front of u, idiot!)
why cant just ask me directly?
it happens several times
and i feel like running into the woods, be all alone
and just cry with all my heart

i admit that there's not many people who i put on my trust
i dont trust a person in a blink of an really took time for me to do that
maybe a year..or two, maybe?
especially when it comes to general knowledge,
i hardly trust wut people said
i've to go some research, study
and if it was a fact she/he talked just now, only then i trusted it
but that doesnt mean i trust the person
williaw shakespear once said, " love all, trust a few, do wrong to none"
and that's wut i believed until now, and always will.
but still..why?
what are the first thought that people gave to me instead of an arrogant girl?
am i an alien?
i'm not saying i dont care bcoz i do.. REALLY care about it!

Labels: average joe, sadness