muchas gracias

i dont know wut happened to me, but when i woke up this morning,
my heart was saying "hey, i love my blog!"
and so..i thought it'll be great if i posted a special entry just for u, my blog!
i'm sorry my dear blog..i should've done this years ago, but i didnt.
i know i'm such a bad blogger, especially to a loyal one like u!
after all, isnt loyalty is a priority?
thanks for u priceless loyalty!
but blog, u know wut?
u are the only site i've ever been loyal to since i attached myself to u,
and thank u for that!
this means that u've been so nice to me!
well u know what, my love for friendster is totally vanished!
and about facebook, i have never love it.
but u my love, shall never fade away!
i'll keep u for the longest time i can have
even when i'll be a granny, i'll continue blogging no matter what!

u're almost 4 years old,
i know..u can speak fluently by now!
bahasa melayu or's not a problem for u.
and about your gender, i'm still not sure what it was
but i'm pretty positive that u're a girl!
wait..u're a girl right?!
and do u still remember those days?
where i get busier than ever in order to search the perfect garment for u.
i'd decorate u with anything the internet has to offer...
clock, ear deafening songs, more pictures
u name it!
and after all that, i still havent satisfied!
but only one thing i had never put on u,
a chatbox! and why is it?
well..bcoz i dont want anyone else to talk to u!
only i get the chance to do so.
haha..i'm pretty arrogant, i know!
thank u my blog for always been there for me!
u're the 1st place where i would share my boring moments..sad memories
and most importantly..the happiest moment in my life.
u're the best listener ever!
and i'll continue writting to u for as long as i could breathe! seriously!
u never get upset everytime i abandoned u.
u never caused any troubles for me
and most importantly..i know u love me!
i got tons of things to say to u
but right now..i'm pretty busy!
so till then..
bye blog! muahh!
happy 4th birthday! it ur birthday yet?
anyway..u know i love and always will!

Labels: for my blog