Last post
I love u so much and now it’s time for me to let u go.
You’ve cherish every moment of mine .
You make my everyday counted.
Thanks for the best memory..
I love u so much and now it’s time for me to let u go.
You’ve cherish every moment of mine .
You make my everyday counted.
Thanks for the best memory..
thanks for the best time.
Thanks for everything.
Farewell..i love u!
Hey guys..i feel like crying at this moment.
Hwaa…it’s not that I’m gonna delete my blog..
Haha..there’s no way I’ll do it.
It’s just..i’m so sad since this shall be my last post for the holiday
Thanks for everything.
Farewell..i love u!
Hey guys..i feel like crying at this moment.
Hwaa…it’s not that I’m gonna delete my blog..
Haha..there’s no way I’ll do it.
It’s just..i’m so sad since this shall be my last post for the holiday
since it’ll end up today.
Hwaa…in a blink of an eye, the holiday is going to say bye..
It felt like the holiday just started yesterday..and gonna end today.
Hwaa…in a blink of an eye, the holiday is going to say bye..
It felt like the holiday just started yesterday..and gonna end today.
and tomorrow, the hell will be started.
I just came back from langkawi, my last vacation for 2009.
I just came back from langkawi, my last vacation for 2009.
Tomorrow I’ll be going to the 1st day of school.
Oh god. Lets just put aside those emo stuff..
Humm..since I’ve finished editing some pics of langkawi..
Oh god. Lets just put aside those emo stuff..
Humm..since I’ve finished editing some pics of langkawi..
so maybe it’s time to tell yah bout it..

Trip to langkawi is the best moment of the holiday..thats all I can say.
It was a great ending of holiday.
Well..reaching there after one year and a half left it, make me feel so…pleasant.
Yeah, I cant think of any words since I didn’t finished my homework. Hwaaa…maybe I’ll die tomorrow.
Ok..lets back to the trip.
so..we took the ferry at kuala perlis since it's much better than the one at kuala kedah..
while waiting the clock to reach 2pm..
we spend the time by visiting Taman Ular at Perlis. was a big nightmare.
the snakes are still haunting me in my sleep. i hate snake.

now..back to langkawi.. was so fun even though we didn’t have much time to take the cable car.
Huuuu..maybe next year lah.
And..the best part is
we shopped till drop.. idaman suri, haji ismail..owh u name it.
Swim till our face became hitam legam mcm pantat kuali.
Also..the most important, cuci mate tgk tourist nsem nk mampus!
ok..back to the next part
we went to Mahsuri.
bought dozens of sea cucumbers oil.
but not stopped by this time since it was too hot at there but
more merrier than last year.
more merrier than last year.
so many hot tourist..
oohh..did i mention that i've met some korean tourist?
oh yes i did, but they're just the typical look of korean..
u got me?
ok.. so what's wrong with the bag?
they're cute rite?
i'm inlove with the bags but since they can be found anywhere in langkawi, so i dont bought it.
and now..i regret!!
ohh..what a silly me!!
i should said "yes" when mom asked me!
huh..bodoh btoll!!
okay..lets stop the bodoh stuff..
okay..lets stop the bodoh stuff..
back to the sad part..
we went to the cable car.
we went to the cable car.

it has the longest pedestrian bridge in d world between the two stations if i'm not mistaken...
i've heard that once..but dunno where.
since there's a big crowd there, and we had to catch up the 7pm ferry..
so i think it means theres no chance to ride the cable car..huhu
we can only shopping at the oriental village..
Labels: vacation