sorry..i cant endure
it's been a while since i had quit blogging..'s not really quit but i keep telling myself to tahan!!
control myself..
reduce the enjoyment time..
and focus on study..
huhu..isnt that sounds boring? IS boring
okay..back to the reason why i'm blogging today..
well..this is how the story goes..
i saw lin's file on monday..
which is super duper cute n perfect..
maaa..i want it too!
it's enakei's file!
i've been dreaming of having it
and now..since i knew that it really exist..
so i told myself,
even if the sky is falling down,
i must get that file.
so..i haru-haru my mom almost everyday.. when mom fetch me from school..
she saidshe's going to pay the maxis bills at kbmall
for one second, i'm like the happiest person on earth..
so at the moment we reach there..i rushed to popular..
searching for the leng lui file.
and..found it!!

so i grabbed n grabbed few files..
then, my sis came to me and asked me..
"weih, nk beli brapo?"
"nk beli smpai abis"
"ha?? mimi gilo ko?"
with rm20 in my hands, for sure i've to leave some of them!
and..i dont want to do so.. angel came!!
asking me whether the money she gave me just now is enough or not..
since my mom is on her good mood, she gave me rm50.
so..i went to the counters..
but then, i found another cute things!!
they're so kwiyeoun!!
asked her to choose one for me..
she said all are i grabbed three of them.

hey if u adore this file and want it too..
sorry,i'm not sure whether there's still one at popular coz i guessed i had bought it all..
5 of them..'s only limited lorh..