viva forever

So..what should I write today?
Umm..think! think!
Oh yeah..i know!
Let me tell u bout my Friday outing with the girls!
So..based on the first plan..there r 4 of us who should go out, but since farah is under the weather..then only 3 left.
I was late 30 minutes..reached kbmall at 3pm..
Then..went playing bowling..
Uhh..i always got 0. And..farah nina was the champion for the game..
Wahh.. awesome meh..
After that..we just walked around..
Went to the parkway..secret recipes..lyness..bakery shop..anw..
Hmm..did I missed anything?
Well..guessed no.
oh god..theres a lot of people in the mall..fuhh
Then..went home and feel kinda sick
Hwaa..i got running flu n also ill..ohok ohok
I better go to sleep now