things that i've done
huhu..poor me
so last night..after watching tangkap muat..i switched to

Well..that show inspired me to reduce my weight, which keep increasing day by day because of my bad eating habit..its like i'm eating 24/7! adoiii..

So..after the show I went to kitchen ~measured my weight
Before this..i took this problem for granted..and then..!!

Omg! I figured out that I’ve gained 4kg!!
I thought 3 is the maximum..damn it! It turned out 4!!
2 weeks I got 4 kg!! crazy right?
How am I going to face the next one month? Aizz..this is really serious..
But do I have to get my diet? will smashed out my great holiday…
Never mind..when its time to lose weight..i’ll diet
*** the next topic

yup I mean the endlessly rain occurred today.
So when I woke up this morning..i looked outside the window and didn’t saw any grass except for water aka flood..
“Rumah dkt bukit pon leh flood jgak ek?” well yeah! It’s possible now!
So..after surfing the internet
I went outside the house n ran around in the rain!!
It was syiokkk gile!
Yah..i snapped some pictures..well it’ll be priceless when u’re grown up..


Apart from all the joys.. theres one thing that screwed up my mood..
It’s was the bloody kaspersky!! Hwaa..
This morning..i downloaded after school’s video- because of you at mediafire..
When it was 86% downloaded…the internet was disconnected! kaspersky had blocked it!
Hwaaaaaaaa…panas bangat hati nihh!!
Feels like wanna punch the screen!
Aizzz..its really hard to download video!
so i keep controlled my anger n told myself that its for the best to the laptop.
oohh..what a bad sacrificing i had to do!
okay i know..this post is long
u better be patient to reach the end of it.. story
this morning i read the news about 2pm taecyeon's scarlet letter was so disgusting
oohh..poor my lil taecyeon, luckily my cutie wooyoung didnt get the same letter
or else i'm gonna curse the b*tch lady that did it!
umm..anyway thnx meda for reminds me to read it!
Labels: girls stuff, school holiday