lets start from zero
raya! raya! raya!
- mubarak eve..
ohh..that night was so great!
the fireworks were non stop..
rayer songs were on and on..
and..the takbiratul ihram could be heard from every corner of the house..
oh yeah!
we didnt sleep!
i mean..we just slept for 1 or 2 hours..
it's just that we're too busy cooking rendang, lontong, lodeh, lemper, and..for lemang, we only bought them.
and..for this year, there's no ketupat since tukang simpul ketupat is in US..
- 1st day of raya!
we start the day with driving to mosque..undergo the aidilfitri prayer..
then..we salam-salam..eat..
and at 5pm..it looks like gonna rain..
so..we went to grandma's house at dusk..
at night..so many people came to house..
- 2nd day of raya
ohh..thats the most tiring day! wtf
visited grandpa's grave..
went jalan jalan..
and guessed wut?
- sumie
- mak cik moh
- cik ani
- mak cik soh
- mak cik sah
- pak din
- aunty marini
- pok jak
we visited 8 houses!
and our stomach are about to burst!
but..before that..
we take some pictures!
ho ho ho..
the award for the thinnest man in the house is given to..
wani is missing here..
huhu..sedih la plak
aku xdop kawe doh nk baloh..
pastu..xdop org doh nk kato bju aku supo keling..
xbest arr..

amboi..mama bkn maen lg posing..
ngah ngah!
- 3rd day of raya
ho! ho! ho!
doink! doink! doink!
balik kampong..ho ho ho balik kampong
balik bandar lah

went to penang early in da morning..
10 am..still early rite?
luckily it was not so sesak..
we watched several accidents happend during the journey..
it was so sad..but
what to do..
if u dont drive carefully..accident may happen, rite?
at 3pm..
we reach the penang island..then went straight to kubur tok wan
cari punye cari..
mne pegi kubur tok wan ek?
asal xjumpe nih?
sedekah jek al fatihah..
then..broommm to balik pulau..
wah..its been so long since i went to balik pulau..
its very peace down there..
went to pak cik kassim's house
then..we stop at mountain view or wut..i forgot..
we watch sunset there..
dont believe arr?
see the pictures above laa!
so peaceful!
its like i'm in china!
lei hai pin tao ah?
after that..
as usual..we take dinner at padang kota...
oh..i know this place is not too clean but..
it's really bising n meriah!!
we eat kerang rebus n pasembor!
it's really ho chakk!!
then..we wanna relax on our journey home to sg petani..
so..we took ferry..

4th day of raya
after one night with pak cu's family n tok..
wen went home larh..
back to klantan..
but..on the journey home...
we stopped at ulu legong hot spring..
u know wut?
it's really uluuu..
u have to cross the kampung org asli first before get there..
duisk! duisk!
so.. here the place!
ting! ting!
the ulu legong hot spring~~
opps..where's everyone?
went raya laahh..
ho ho ho..
the water is so hottt that we cant even touch the water inside the pool..
whoever dive into the pool..wahh!
gua tabik lo arr..

its like i'm in china!
lei hai pin tao ah?
after that..
as usual..we take dinner at padang kota...
oh..i know this place is not too clean but..
it's really bising n meriah!!
we eat kerang rebus n pasembor!
it's really ho chakk!!
then..we wanna relax on our journey home to sg petani..
so..we took ferry..

4th day of raya
after one night with pak cu's family n tok..
wen went home larh..
back to klantan..
but..on the journey home...
we stopped at ulu legong hot spring..
u know wut?
it's really uluuu..
u have to cross the kampung org asli first before get there..
duisk! duisk!
so.. here the place!
ting! ting!
the ulu legong hot spring~~
went raya laahh..

the water is so hottt that we cant even touch the water inside the pool..
whoever dive into the pool..wahh!
gua tabik lo arr..
we jumped to the cool cool cool river!!
doink! doink!
its really great!
rugi sgt sbb pegi pkai bju kurung..
klu pkai sluar..
dh lame aku tdo dlm sungai nih!
oh nooo!!
i dun want to go home yet!!
- 5th day of raya
there's a majlis tahlil at grandma's house..
so..its a tahlil ceremony and it's not good if we take pictures..right?
- 6th day of raya
cooked mee udang n make pudding..
then...at night, someone's coming home..
its aunty latipah..!!
and then..late night
sleep sleep tight tight...
duit raye xbyk sgt pon..
leh thn la jgak..
Labels: celebration