i'm so dumb!

oh my old friends..
i'm so sorry!!
i hope i didnt hurt ur feeling..
hwaa..i'm so worthless
just now..my old old friends from my old old school called me..
i was sleeping at that time..
(i sleep 24 hours)
then...my mom shout my name n give me the phone..
god..my heart beats really fast at that moment
then..a voice came through d'phone
the girl : "hello..mimi! syaza ni! igt lg x?"
me: (answering dumbly) : "eh..syaza hok skoloh cengal dulu ey? (mesti la ngoks..mne ade org len doh nme syaza) umm..awk sehat ko?" (ayt poyo)
the girl : "haha..sehat, (why u laugh? i know i'm stupid ) mimi, awk guno alamat rumoh yg dlu ko?"
me: "yup"
then..there's no more sounds
the girl : "no tepon awk brapo ek?"
me: "umm..jap ek, xigt. sy bru tukar num. jap ek..012 *******. umm..syaza, awk skolh ctu lg ko?"
the girl : "hoo la..awk xse mai skolh cni blk ko?"
me: (alamak..nk jwb gapo nih?) "umm..ntahla, dop kot sbb adik sy skolh kt cni jgok (zainab 1) hahha..no making any sense. my sister is at primary school lah..no secondary! umm..krim salam deh kt semo kwn2 lamo kt ctu..haha (why am i laughing, i dunno)
me: "umm..ok la dlu. haha..byee!" (run out of idea dh)
the girl: "umm..semo krim sallam kt awk..ok, bye!"
hwaa...i'm sorryyy that i get speechless when i talk to u guys!
Labels: sorry