cant study

i want to sudy but what to do?
balik jek skolah trus nengok MACKEREL RUN!!
starring~~Lee Min Ho!!
meh nk kasi komen sket psal cite nih..
ep 1 ~ bit boring..aku tgk sbb ade minho jek..
ep 2~ adeii..dh start kelakor! nk pecah prut duk gelak..
ep 3~aizz..setan2 dh kuar! rse nk bunuh jek pengetua ngan cekgu bodo tuh..
pompuan innocent tu pon jht rupe2nyer..
ep 4~klakorr..but a bit sakit ati.
ep5~hmm..still best larh..laugh a lot
ep 6~ beginning of boring!! gahhh...bile nk abis nih..
ep 7~ ohh..i dont expect it to be like this
Labels: korean