3 days and 2 night.??
during 17th-19th June..
an annual activity~kem perdana was finally held...
over all..it was so so so TIRING, HAPPENING, and...PRECIOUS!!
is it? well..for me IT IS laa..

the schedule was very tight..
time for rest is so little, so i ponteng byk2..
and..at night, we cant sleep coz it was so hot!! and so many nyamuk!
and..u know what? the nyamuk was very gatal!!
the bites on my "tuttt" and "tuttt" and everywhere which is "tutt"
and..the worst was when they bite on my foot sole!
ahhh..so seksaa!!

oh yeah..u know what?
if u wanna pee or wut so ever..
it is so hard coz school had ran out of water..
and..there's always so many people at the toilet!
ahhh...really sakit hati!
an annual activity~kem perdana was finally held...
over all..it was so so so TIRING, HAPPENING, and...PRECIOUS!!
is it? well..for me IT IS laa..
the schedule was very tight..
time for rest is so little, so i ponteng byk2..
and..at night, we cant sleep coz it was so hot!! and so many nyamuk!
and..u know what? the nyamuk was very gatal!!
the bites on my "tuttt" and "tuttt" and everywhere which is "tutt"
and..the worst was when they bite on my foot sole!
ahhh..so seksaa!!
oh yeah..u know what?
if u wanna pee or wut so ever..
it is so hard coz school had ran out of water..
and..there's always so many people at the toilet!
ahhh...really sakit hati!

it was so fun!
there's so many moves!
robots, kr n jp dance, and..much more!
they even had the tvxq songs, sorry2 by suju, just dance-lady gaga, dora the explora and much more!
i laugh until my stomach get burst!
wahh..so fun!

and...on thursday morning till afternoon, theres a ceramah haji
it was a mumbo jumbo speech!
ahh..the penceramah was very boring
the sun was very bright
it really makes me fainted!
so, meda and me decided to ponteng for a while a sleep at musalla
ahh..it's really great
but, when we wake up and go back to the field...we noticed that ceramah haji wasnt done yet!
the students have to go round 7 times or tawaf around the fake kaabah!
after that..we did the saei
ulang alik tuuu..
aizzz...sakit hatii!!
afer the programme was done...i rest and rest!!
at night..ade ceramah solat
and the penceramah showed us video psal mayat!
dah la mlm jumaat!
mse nk tdo tu plak..min jun dtg pastu ckp dia tgk keliwon!
ahh...nk tdo pon tkut!
it was a mumbo jumbo speech!
ahh..the penceramah was very boring
the sun was very bright
it really makes me fainted!
so, meda and me decided to ponteng for a while a sleep at musalla
ahh..it's really great
but, when we wake up and go back to the field...we noticed that ceramah haji wasnt done yet!
the students have to go round 7 times or tawaf around the fake kaabah!
after that..we did the saei
ulang alik tuuu..
aizzz...sakit hatii!!
afer the programme was done...i rest and rest!!
at night..ade ceramah solat
and the penceramah showed us video psal mayat!
dah la mlm jumaat!
mse nk tdo tu plak..min jun dtg pastu ckp dia tgk keliwon!
ahh...nk tdo pon tkut!

and then...at the last day
all form 4 students went to masjid telipot..
and..yesterday during majlis penutup..
the MC was really funny!
he crack up the whole students and teachers!
he pronounced taik-wondo (taekwondo)
and..i think thats enough for today
still tired laa..
nick, meda, jun...hari ahad ni ponteng tau!
Labels: fiesta, school life