nicholas hoult!!!
actually..i've wrote this post yesterday but i forgot to post it..
i'm just save it...
huhu..thats ok~i'll just post it right now.
meh nk cite ni!
kelmarin..mse tgh main game..tetiba jumpe mamat nsem nih!
trus main game psal dia..
wahh..nsem bngt dia!
nicholas hoult..asal aku xknal ko ek slame ni?
well..u also know that im always be the last one to know bout everything, right?
hmm..klu nk tau..aku mmg pencinta bru ari ni aku tau yg www means world wide website..ish3 ckp it's never too late to learn..
at least i've learn something today!
k..back to nicholas hoult!
adeii..dh jauh sgt tersasar td!
nicholas ni plakon us kot..
tp..for sure he's an actor laa...
cite jpon yg antu tu..
yg aku igt "L the change of world"
dh luper laa..korg pon tau igtn aku ni lmh sket..

Labels: celebs