just a quick post
so..yesterday there's a Pasaria at school
it was quite great..
the food was okay-la
the weather was quite hot..and my face was quite burning
but..there's one thing that really makes me fells like vomit..
when people came to pasaria and brought their bf or gf..
eleh..nk semai kasih sayang kt tmpt camni plak..
and..u know what?
the guys showed up there..
want me to prove it?
just see the photos below...
this one..
dorg xprasan pon aku amik gmbr..
hehe..pndai2 la blakon..
wat gaya main nset..pdhal duk amik gmbr..
and...this one..
acctualy byk lg adegan yg best2 psal org duk bergewe kt pdg smlm..
tp..xsmpat nk amik gmbr..
then..went home
fell v-tired

micheal jackson had died
rest in peace
Labels: a post from a school girl