i just felt in love..
okay...this post might hurt someone's heartbut, wut eva la..hehehe
i wanna write it since i owned this blog
so..i deserve it!

ok..this is how the story begins
- last night..i was bored~SUPERB BORED~
- went to so many website - then, meet lee minho's photos
- it was so awwwweeesome! i felt in love with him..again? i guess so..
- but..dear minho's wifes..fans..fiance...or whoever u are, dont consider me as your enemy coz my love with minho wont last long..i've already reject him~at this moment!
- so..here's some pics of him. hope u njoy coz it's really leng luiii!!

acctually..there's lots more from him
but i had to hide it coz it's too CUTE!
apart from that.. i also got some cute pixs.
goo hye sun
but i had to hide it coz it's too CUTE!
apart from that.. i also got some cute pixs.
goo hye sun

guess who?
click on the pics to see clearly

coz..ur right!
it's herr!!!
so cute!!

now..it's time for my update..
so..this is the story
- there's an exchange student in my class~ jerman girl> she's so beautiful! her eyes are gorgeous!! but..i think she loves niggers laa..it's so clear every time she talk about boys
- this petang..since i was so so so bored..i took some pix..
- pix muke cute la kononnye..tp, aku mmg xpnh jd kiut pon..so, klu korg xnk tgk pix ni..atau xsuke pics aku..huhu..aku xt'kjut pon coz i know my standard..