it's almost here!!
yay!!at last!!
the moment i've been waiting for..
is just around d'corner!!
i cant wait for it!!
ohh..aidilfitri..faster! faster!
i've been waiting for u for so long ago!
n now that u're coming..i'm gonna celebrate u to the very max!
at this moment
all things all well prepared
i hope i missed nothing..
lupe laks nk ckp
selamat mnyambut lebaran to all my friends, best friend, relatives..and my sister!
i know i'm a very bad girl..with tons of sins..
so..with that
i'd like to seek for ur apologise!
dtglaa umah aku rye nih!
ade byk kuih..hhaa
klu korg nk duit rye pon leh!
so..dtgler yer!
yer..nik anis hanani!
meh la umah sy ryo nih!!
rumoh kito keh dkt jh!
utk org yg nk blk kampong
slmt pulang ke kg n slamat menempuhi traffic jam kt highway
nnti rye ke-3..aku laks nk blk penang
hihihi.. all my friends
happy lebaran!!
maaf zahir batin!

i'm sorry i've been a vey bad backstabber
i talked bad on certain people who i hate
i had ignored people who needs my help
i've been rude to so many people
and..i lied sometimes
i'm so sorry
i hope u can forgive me
Labels: celebration