24 days to hell day??!!

oh my!
final exam??!!!
i didnt prepare anything at all..
oh..so hell!
things to study
bm~ anything to study? hwaa..tell me!
bi~ umm..literature?
add math~ from chptr 1 to chptr ?? whats the last chapter?!
math~ gonna die for the last chptr
agama~ all?? except for akhlak..
bio~ chptr 4 until chptr 9..i'm so dead
physic~ chptr 2 until 5
chem~ all!!
sej~~whoaaa!!! kena msok kubur~~
ohh..what to do??!! ok..its time to use the brain
hmm..how about jumping off from my rumah tangki?
oh..i dont think it'll makes me die b'coz its not too high
but i will be badly injured right?
ohh..no way
i got to escape from this hell..
what's the next plan??
think harder!
think to the max..!!
ahha! i know!
jump off from my school's rumah tangki(not sure will die or not)
go to the highest level of billion's appartment n jump!! (i'll definitely die right?)
wut eva it is
it wont settle down the problem!
god..im sick of this situation!
when is the school holiday?
why is it so far away?
ohh..i'm starting to give up..
but wait??
when it's time for school holiday...
i'll be breaking free right?
oh yeahhhhh
oh yeah..dancing for the freedom!!
i got something to show off for today..
well..its been so long since i'm showing off my stuff,rite?
ohh..ok wuteva!
well..its acctually a keychain..
oh..i love it!
oh..i love it!
it smells donuts too!!
waahh...im crazy for it!!
and it kinda goes well with my phone
well..some of u might think i'm suck a dork for knowing this stuff at such a late time..
i know many people already have it
but..its damn cute rite?
Labels: a post from a school girl