just..umm..ohh..never mind

so..it was a bombastic holiday..
everything was so great..they went out so well1
exam>>> dont want to talk about it...it tortured my whole life, damn it!
so..let me tell a little bit about LIFE..
3days of holiday..n i decided to njoy every moment of it..
i dont study..omg! i'm so crazy
i went playing with my baby cousin..
she's damn cute..(picture will be publish soon)
so..this week is all about rain..rain..rain..
i woke up > raining
doing exam also it was raining
blk skolaa> rain rain
rain conquered everything
so..the baby flood had released..
oh yeah..
lots of things happens yesterday
i also met denise..
the mtv's vj..u know her rite? (see her picture above)
well..guessed where did i met her??
hmm..did i hear anyone says pasar borong?
duhh..100 marks for u..
k..back to the topic
she looks so much like a barbie doll..
her face is perfect..with her sexy lips
oohh..nomu nomu yeopo!!
okay..i think i'm being too talkative for today..
lets just put a fullstop right now before this unstoppable mouth getting worse n worse...
k..till then papaii..
FYI..i just listened to big bang's new song
let me hear ur voice..
haha.. i'm a week late..