arghh..mentally hillarious

well..have u seen my blog?
my new layout? is it? is it?
simple..sweet..and..simple rite?
yeah baby! thats what i'm talking about!
i've spend the whole day searching for the best layout since the old one got so much problems.. well..when u view it through laptop..everything is fine..
BUT! when u view it in was totally screwed out!
so..after more than 10 skins have been downloaded..and edited the html..
at 12.17am..i've found this skin and fall in love with it..
so..thank you blogskins for making me unofficially insane for the whole day!
okay..since it's nearly 3am nk wat post dlm bm ahh.. xde psal nk jd owg puteh lak pepagi bute cmnih..
umm..skunk nk ckp psal yg kbmall tuh..
ala yg duk hoo haa spanjang ari tu laa~~

1st k long ntar msj..katenye kbmall runtoh..
and..i was like "huh?? karutlaa.."
then td dgr dlm buletin utama..
xleh caye!
so..after more than 10 skins have been downloaded..and edited the html..
at 12.17am..i've found this skin and fall in love with it..
so..thank you blogskins for making me unofficially insane for the whole day!
okay..since it's nearly 3am nk wat post dlm bm ahh.. xde psal nk jd owg puteh lak pepagi bute cmnih..
umm..skunk nk ckp psal yg kbmall tuh..
ala yg duk hoo haa spanjang ari tu laa~~

1st k long ntar msj..katenye kbmall runtoh..
and..i was like "huh?? karutlaa.."
then td dgr dlm buletin utama..
xleh caye! was ridiculous.
dlm supermarket pon leh kne langgar..
apela yg slmat kt dunia hari nih..
Labels: death, nothing beats happy, school holiday