
it's been a long time since i last blogging rite?
well..it's just that i got tired surfing internet..
yeah..tired of doing same action everyday
same drama..same song..same website
so..everybody is asking me about the result!!
huu..i'm so sad yet so happy since i didnt get the result yet...
so u must be asking why on earth am i happy?
well..since i still didnt get the result, my mom wont be mad at me..not yet!
but..there's one thing that makes me so sad..
well..it's just that i have to continue my work!
being the bodyguard of my home!
keep an eye at the gate..see whether the postman came or not!
huuuuuu..so boring!
ok..now lets talk about my brother
hell yeah!
i just dont have any topic to write about..
wearing mama's sunglass while she was out.
look so happy since we're on the way to the clinic..!!

he's pretend to cry..
hahha..mmg kantoi ah!
xley blakon lgsung bdak nih
yay..at last after seeing the doctor..
he really wanna cry!

so..that's all
and yeah!
one more thing to annoy my classmates..
i've finished the bloody bm take home test!!
yeahh..and i wrote it!
not typing..but wrote with my hand!
so..i think i can enjoy my vacation next week!
kl n negeri 9!
i'm beating for u!!
Labels: mean girl, nothing beats happy