
i said i'm fine..but i lied
i said i dont care...which i actually care
i said my heart is locked..but the ugly truth is, it is unlocked.
i said he's a playboy..but i cant resist this feeling
i said he's handsome..and i know i'm not for him
i said study is my first priority..but it turned out to be him
i said all i need is my family and friends..but i guess i need him too
i said..nevermind i'll find someone better than him, but will i?
i said i'm not ready for any love relationship or wut-so-eva, but i'm already 18!
i said...mimi! u need a break!
i dont need any love from any strangers right now.. worries, this wounded heart is almost fully recovered now.
i must be brave!

ok..let's just stop talking bout him!
i MUST forget him not matter wut.
it's a must..not a should, mimi!
and u're fully responsible for that!
let's talk about something good..
something that cheer me up
which are..
listening to big bang's songs..
taylor swift's songs..
watching mtv hits, BIG TIME RUSH - which makes a great hit recently.
( or maybe i was the last one knew about them)
oh no..!!
almost all of them got dimples which is..HELL GREAT!
"dia tu" xde dimple pon!! no wonder la i must forget bout him driving tutor is getting strict towards me lately
hwaaa..maybe it's bcoz i was too lazy to memorized all the steps
and i'm not good in managing the car's position.
but wuteva it is..
i must not play around anymore..
pleaseee be more serious mimi!
Labels: driving academy