speak now..yay i did it!

i broke the ice!
i broke it!! and it's worth it coz he's soooo handsome!
and..i'll never do it again!!
malu gila gila gilaaaa xyah cakap!!!
well, unless it's another handsome guy like him..
maybe i'll reconsider what i've said before.
and sorry farah..
i didnt ask him about the parking..
i mean..your idea was great but, it's kinda awkward to ask him about that-out of the blue
maybe he'll be like "are u insane? tiba2 nk tnya psal parking?"
maybe i'll never see him again
and that's the reason why i talked to him for the first time n the last.
klu xbcakap hari ni..smpai bila2 pon xkan dgr his voice.
but wuteva it is..i just wish him the best for the jpj test.
but then again what if he failed?
haha..maybe i'll get to see him againn!
hmm..i think he'll pass.
ahh..i just want to sing this to him,
And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll stand forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll stand forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you
okay wut else to write?
huummm..everything is great except for the part that..
i failed several times in parking
i failed most of the time in climbing up the hill
and 3 penjuru?
huuu..naik divider!!!
so stupid..and everyone there was laughing at me.
what else could be worse than that??
i think..i am the worse student ever! seriouslyy..
yesterday was fine..but today was an absolutely disaster
and tomorrow? we'll see.
maybe i'll be using adam khoo's way- imagination.
i'm not saying that i wasnt born to drive,
but it is true??
why me?!

Labels: driving academy, fallen angel, nothing beats happy