showering under the sun

they made my world went upside down..
they're the drugs i've been waiting for..
my days are incomplete
my body is hardly moving
my mind would go round n round
i felt helpless n hopeless
i must watch them everyday!
oh god..
i think they're totally conquered my life and mind..
huu..i want to meet them..
i'll die with a big smile on my face if this thing is really going to happen..
lets stop about the nonsense..
wait..!it does make sense..
oh whateva, as long as nobody is stealing my husband..
i'll be fine

moving the topics..ding ding
lets talk about SUKAN TARA..
even though there's a scandal which turn the day chaos
but wuteva, i dont really care about the scandal coz i was trying to enjoy every second of that day since it'll be my last sukan tara..
no more next year!
so..since it was my last sukan tara..i guessed it was the best i've ever experienced...
first thing in the morning..
no love no more..aerobics time!
conducted by who else than cik Nik..

then..lots of things happened..
but not so many pictures were captured..
3pm went to a 2.30pm tuittion class..
what a tiring day
and my legs ache for about 3 or 4 days
so i walked like a 71 years old halmoni..
but everything is paid off since i'll be free from school for a week!!
yeahhh..oh yeahh!!
gong xi fa cai!!
sorry if my spelling is incorrect..