time of my life
yay..the line is clear, finally!
esok xde quiz..but i've to revise more n more...urghhh
but at the same time..i'm sooooo not in the mood of studying..at all!
so...the only good thing to do besides sleeping is..updating my dear blog.
so here's the thing..
i miss penang! **again!
hohoho..it was a very warm n lovely environment there..
people are so nice..
makanan sgt2 best n murah..
internet lajuuuuu coz they used unifi..
the campus isnt too big so i dont need to rush here n there
and there're lotssss of cute guys (eheeeeeeeeee..that's the main point)
and honestly..the hectic life in puncak alam reminds me not to forget my memories in penang..
all of the precious moments during MDS where we've to walk while holding our umbrellas or maybe not..?
and the sun is unstoppably kissing our skin..
but we've to keep on walking..running to be exact.
work harder than yesterday or else the seniors will get freaking mad at us
and everytime the seniors yell at us..
we'll make a joke out of it.
and i missed the row call held at 4am..
plus the unendurable drowsiness that drove me up to wall...
which leaving me no choice but to sleep at anywhere there's a tiny little space
well.. everyone did the same...
most of all..i missed my ex roomate.
3 of them to be exact.
we used to be so close..
the magnetic power hold us tidely..
but when we moved to puncak alam..and got separated,
it wasnt like before anymore..
and now..
we only met several times in a week..
and huuuuuuuu...sedih sgt.
but when i said i missed penang..
dont misunderstood it.
it's not that i hate puncak alam...i love it in here..
but i think i had the time of my life in penang.
sgt best!
so now..lets talk about puncak alam shall we?
well..starting with my room..
yaaa..it was sooooo messy, just like my life.

and my hands are swollen
thanks to those big giant books which shall be the reason for me not to get my beauty sleep.
and till then..
i've been spending extra hours for blog today..
and now it's time to go.
bye dear blog.
Labels: uitm