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what was she thinking?

huuu..i know i've to study by now.
i know i aint suppose to talk behind other's back at this time.
i know i've to be a good girl in order for me to achive wut i've been dreaming of.

but...!! this is an emergencyyyyy!!!
umm..can we just put those things aside for just...10 minutes.
i promise..it wont take long.
i'll be an evil girl for just 10 minutes and then, i promise..i'll transform into a good girl again.

well..since there's no one for me to share this HOT gossip at this moment,
i know i can count on u, my blog.
so here's the thing..i went to my facebook.
new updates of my friend...pictures uploaded.
i run through all the pictures..scrutinizing them one by one
what the..???!!!

dressing up like that??
put on a lot of make up as heavy as that??
damn! she's greyish already!
huuu..poor her!
i wish there'll be somebody whispering to her like,
"hey girl, u should remove some of the makeup..."
but luckily.. i think there's none who took action..
and well done..she has embarrassed herself with flying colours!
but i wont be uploading any of the pictures coz i know..i'm not that evil

ok..6 minutes has flew, i got 4 more minutes
wut to write about?
hmm..ok nothing.
back to normal girl. fuhhhhhhhhhhh!

farah get well soon!
i cant wait to tell u even more!!

"what was she thinking?" was Posted On: Saturday, April 9, 2011 @12:37 PM | 0 lovely comments

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