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oh my english

esok kan premiere of oh my english kt tviq..so for this entry, i want to rojak rojakkan my language.
nnti esok i'll polish em back.

pagi tadi kannn..i drove up to the town for the first time.
before this cume pergi pantai..jln yg xde org..pegi pasar beli ikan.
but  bandar..ermm takut jgk.

and i'm posting bout it because it's kind of memorable to me.
lesen dah lama dpt but then..my driving skill is so so so embarassing to write about.
driving is not that hard but parking..oh my english, name pon  parking
dahlaa tdi kt tesco rmaii sgt org..i though it would be lengang since dorg pergi serbu bukit jalil.
but i was wrong..rakyat kelantan ramaiii kotttt. mydin pon penoh..tesco pon penoh..kbmall pon penoh..
ehh bukak lah ape pon..mmg semua penoh org.
setakat 72 000 pegi bukit jalil..rmai lagi yg setia tgk dpn tv..hd lagi, eh promote astro  plak dahh.

ok parking..parking...
oh my..susah benooorrr nk masuknye.
klu ke kiri sgt..nnti kiss kereta kancil sebelah.
ke kanan sgt..kiss dinding tesco.

i used to be the girl who nag at my mother for being too cautious when it comes to parking.
and this time..it hit me backk..
my father is like a nagging machine this morning.
he always does..tambah tambah lagi skrg dh pencen.
eeee...tak suke sangat...
kalah mama.

nasib baik sgt tdi xde org tgk time i parking.
sbb dh pilih parking yg palinggggg jauh..
in the article of health..they even advised us to choose the farthest parking lot sbb nk exercise..
ok my dad xjadi nk bebel dah.
but then..5 kali kottt bru blh masuk btol2.
tu pon xigt betolkan tayar.
nasib baik xkiss kereta dpn.
eeeeee....parking is so susah maaa.

xpe2..nnti keje btol2 bagi dapat JUSA..
 government provide driver tau..eheeee..me loikeyyyyhhh.

"oh my english" was Posted On: Saturday, May 19, 2012 @7:19 PM | 5 lovely comments

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