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takut lah bawak kereta

tahu tak tadi i almost hit the car next to me..masa tu nk bgi signal masuk kiri.
kesian my jantung hati..mesti penat pump in and out blood.
it was like an adrenaline rush just now..xperlu nk buat bungee jumping pon to get the experience.
and i took the whole road in order to reverse the car...but i was very fortunate that the road is kosong time tu.
terima kasih Allah for giving me this opportunity to still breathing.

tahu tak tadi the whole member inside the car next to me stared at me smpai  terjengkil butir mata.
aku dahlaa tgh nervous driving at the peak hour..

and there was this old lady pandanggg je aku kluar parking as if i'm an alien.
dahla senyum sinis time aku reverse..
tau la aku xpandai, baru belajar..tpi kau tu duduk sit belakang.
so kau duk diam diam sudah..aku hit kereta kau baru tau!

huuu..so that was my driving experience just now..
balik balik terus update blog sementara jantung masih berdegup kencang.
sumpah i'm not a good driver.

but  kaklong knows how to say nice things..
love her for the fact that she always thinks positively.

she said to me just now that everybody starts with zero including her..my mother..my father..everybody!
so there's nothing to be embarrased about.
she also added that people who know how to drive wont laugh at the newcomers because they knew how hard it was being the baby on the road.

huuu...ni nk nangis nih..at least, there's someone who appreciate things that i did, though it didnt went well.
so thank you my dragonlady..
u might seem a hot-tempered person but then...u got this motherly behaviour that i'm so jealous about.
muah muah muahhh..

so nampaknye xdapet la nk keluar esok with my girlfriends..
uhhuuuu...i still need lots of practise..
i promise nnti bilo mimi dh okay bwk keto kito kluar date yeahh farah omar n nur hamizah..


"takut lah bawak kereta" was Posted On: Sunday, May 20, 2012 @7:42 PM | 4 lovely comments

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