make me stay

it's funny
how they ask me to eat everything i want while i'm still at home..
it's funny
how they said i should watch anything i want in tv coz i wont be when i get there
it's funny
how they ask me to help them since i havent been helping them for quite a while
it's funny
how they'd buy anything i want since i'll be away soon
it's funny
how they dont get mad at me coz i'm already a grown up
it's funny
how they'd spend their time with me...while i'm with them
it's funny
how they dont stop me from acting silly..coz it's only once in a blue moon now..
it's funny
how they would say yes to everything i want..which making it weirder
it's funny
how they said i only got one week to go
it's not even funny
when wut they said is indeed..a fact
oh shoooottt!!!!

i dont want to go..
there's no life there..
i'm pretty sure my friends would be suprise to see how fat i am now..
who cares anyway..
i only want to stay home..
i dont really care bout anything anymore..
(ok...i lied)
the truth is..
i dont want to leave this house coz i know i'd missed it more than anything
but thinking of studies n the responsibilities on my shoulder..
i know i need to go..
life's hard isnt it?
but it gets harder if u're not tolerating with it.
Labels: average joe, home sweet home, uitm