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random late night entry

dear self, 
these are the things i need you to learn and implement in your life.

 # 1 endure yourself!
u feel like signing up your own instagram account  instead of using your younger sister's. endure!
u feel like uploading pictures of u since your colleagues are doing those things too, endure! endure!
u feel like messaging a friend u had crush on just to ask some stupid question.whoaa,hold on, endure!
haha seriously..
u feel like wearing make up to look less like a living corpse, plussss people tend to look a lot better (read: prettier) with make up on. need i say more? endure, dude!
u feel like dressing up a bit prettier today..just because..well say whaaattt?! gotta endure!

#2 love yourself
remember the video u watched last week on TEDTalk about this woman who divorced thrice and still searching for the love of her life not realising the only person she needed to marry first was herself. 
yeah...that video taught u a lot. and never forget that!
u'll be stuck with this body till death do us apart.
so make vow to it, love it with all your heart.
beautiful women are those with beautiful mind, always carrying brain with her.

#3 be better than yesterday
u gotta get out of your comfort zone
stop being comfortable with what u have now
there are people out there working their ass off to seek for knowledge, to be the best version they could ever be
and why on earth are u standing still like a frozen zombie?
 get up from the bed and do something productive
something thats better than yesterday.
it'll be worth it.

#4 stop procrastinating
the video that u watched this morning about "how to achieve what u want" conveys a lot of message
u can get all things that u want...but it's not eaaaasyyy
this it shall take an extra effort
if people wake up at 6.30, u wake up at 6.
if people read 2 books a week..u read 4 books.
be few steps ahead of time
be alert be phycisally fit and determined
well at least this shall make u feel less like a shit i guess

okayyyyy thats allll

"random late night entry" was Posted On: Sunday, December 13, 2015 @12:59 AM | 0 lovely comments

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