When i'm about to give up...she told me to hold on.
When i said i'm tired...she told me to get some rest.
When i said my brain just cant digest the knowlegde anymore...she told me to never stop zikr and taught me this Dua that i still practice until now.
When i complained of my place and how hot it can be.....she told me to take a shower and to be patient.
When i said i'm sleepy but still got lotsa things to do...she told me to take some nap.
When i'm freak out...she told me everything's gonna be fine.
When i'm happy...she's the first person i want to share my moment with.
When i'm sad....her voice is my antidote.
When i'm scared...she'll be the saviour.
Whenever i am...whatever i'll be...she's my everything.
And tonight...while doing the chores, i said...
"Maaa...mimi blk pulok lagi 4minggu"
"Owhh..kjap jh 4 minggu tu, xsempat nk homesick2 laa..", she said.
Then abah replied "takde sape tanye ponnnnnnnn."
Comelllllll laaahhh abah niii...cubit kanggg!! Herghhh!!
Anywayy...i love him too although he can be annoying sometimes..
Herghh herghh..
How can the semester break be soooo shorttttt?!
This is sooo unfairrrr, i'm gonna voice out my dissatisfactory!
Errr ok maybe not.