When she said she doesn’t care…she actually care about it more and more
When she said I should take a rest..she actually find a way to beat me.
When he said I’m clever…he means he’s smarter than me.
When he asks me to solve the problem..he tries to humiliate myself.
When she said it’s ok…the truth is..IT’S NOT OK!
When she said she’s lazy… she actually trying to work harder.
When they said I’m fragile..they have no idea how I need my family beside me.
When they asked me to be more friendly…they just don’t know that people simply mark me as an arrogant girl.
When she tells me to keep moving on…she actually praying I’d give up one day.
And there’s a girl who loves criticising me…but it’s a fact that she’s not that perfect to criticize anyone!
When they asked me to wear tudung...they simply conclude me as an over-socialized girl when the truth is…I’m awkward in front of boys n yes..i got no boy friends. So..how can it be possible for me to socialize with boys? Explainnnnn!
When I ‘m not wearing any hijab..it doesn’t mean I have a heart of stone.
It doesn’t mean I don’t perform my prayer..it doesn’t mean I’m not loyal to God.
It doesn’t mean I’m a plastic..it doesn’t mean I’m a devil.
And when u see a girl wearing a hijab..it doesn’t mean she’s that good.
in fact...my attitude might be better than those who think they're good enough
As for last night… I went for tarawih and u know wut?
The imam told us to throw a scumbag on people who don’t cover the awra’.
How can he simply said that?
Did he knows that even the prostitutes cover all their body except for their eyes.
And did he knows that not every people who covers the awra’ are that good?
i'm not saying all the people who cover their awra' are hiding behind those fabrics...but it's a fact that some of them...are doing it! and wouldnt that be a sin? shouldnt we throw a scumbag on those people?
well no...i'm not gonna throw any scumbag on any people coz i know..i'm neither perfect nor smart enough to criticize others.
And yes..i hate it when people think they’re perfect enough to criticize me.
hey, look in the mirror first before trying to criticize others!
What a rubbish?!!
People said don’t judge the book by its cover..but they just did. So from now onwards..i wont simply trust anyone..
And don’t tell me to understand the people when the fact is..they keep making things complicated.