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so...u really want a war?

Hi stressful saturday.

Soooo, my team...was selected to be among the 2 teams battling against each other for the final olympiad session this monday.
It was....totally absurb+miracle+unbelievable+magical thing that my mind still cant really digest.
It was a total miracle for this hakuna matata team which constis of 4 playful little girls who laugh all the time, go out n shop till drop every weekend, never take study a serious thing, and all the things that shall make a disqualification of a medical student.

But as they always said....we can never change the fate.
And we decided to believe in Him and what He had put us into.
But it was a tough battle from the beginning, this medic olympiad thing.
And  now....having to fight against the geniuses of our batch ( who dont really sleeps, and dont really laugh like a mad man, who dont speak alien's language and dont really know how to be crazy)
So yeah...it'll  be one of my scariest memory in life.
It's like harry potter against the voldermort.
Duhhh...obviously our opponents is the voldermort.

And last night...
One of the geniuses uploaded a picture in her insta account and wrote... 'this is war!' that had turned my knee into jelly, leaving me with the greatest nightmare during my sleep.
Yeahh....they're those pretty creepy people!

Nevertheless...we, the 4 clown girls will try our very best
Sacrifices our eyes and become a panda
Sacrifices our sleeps
Sacrifices our shopping time
Read the notes till we vomit
And keep holding on no matter what.

May He ease everything for us this monday evening.
May the odds be ever in our favour, ameen.

"so...u really want a war?" was Posted On: Saturday, May 10, 2014 @8:33 PM | 0 lovely comments

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