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Everybody hurts.

Sometimes when we listen to others' stories
we told ourselves how dumb she is for letting stupid thing bruises her heart.
And little did we realize...so do us.

Sometimes we do things that burden us yet didnt give any profits..
But we do it anyway..
Coz thats the way it is..
We hurt ourselves...and we move on.

Sometimes we didnt want to hurt others
So we  keep the anger inside of us..
And i know it hurts so badly...
But thats just how things are.

And at the end of the day...
U realized..
Ur body...the most precious asset of all..
Is the one thats going to be hurt the most no matter wut

But then again...thats just how things are.
Everybody just get hurt at the end of the day.

"idontknowwhatiwrite" was Posted On: Monday, October 7, 2013 @9:13 PM | 0 lovely comments

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