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fools like me

Dear wednesday...
So i got a 30ringgit shopping voucher that ends on 11.59, today.
Spends quite an amount of time browsing through the items instead of studying for this friday's test.
Finally decided the items  i was going to buy
Proceed to checkout and entered the voucher's code.
Oh wowwww-okaaayyy..
The voucher ended on 11.59am..this morning, not 11.59pm u fool.
Happens errytime aite?

"fools like me" was Posted On: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 @10:41 PM | 2 lovely comments
it's fine

Dear u

It's not that i dont care
It's not that i'm arrogant
Not that i'm acting like a diva queen
And i never think that i'm good enough dat i can ditch anyone i want

It's just that...i'm not like them
I'm not easy...and i dont wanna be one.
And it would be good enough if u could just know this..
But i bet u wont.

"it's fine" was Posted On: Tuesday, October 29, 2013 @4:43 PM | 0 lovely comments
dancing oh yeah oh yeah

Got a test this friday..
And studying so far is like....mehhhh.
Ok ok fineee...
I didnt start studying yet.

But it's the cardiovascular module
My favourite..
And why do i find myself fooling around all the time?

Esok pegi library...
Need to study
And stop being a pemalas...

"dancing oh yeah oh yeah" was Posted On: Sunday, October 27, 2013 @9:45 PM | 0 lovely comments
be happy be kind.

sometimes we're just too busy taking care of great things and great tasks that we forgot the small things going around.
and little did we realised how big their impact is on our life.

and sometimes i think that these small things we tend to ignore all the times...
are the precious one..
and sometimes can be priceless.

so now...
i'm just going to open my eyes widely..
try not to sleep all the time..
and simply enjoy every moment and capture as many pictures as possible
coz they said..
there's always a story behind every picture.

                                           batch birthday's night...couldnt be any better.

 i just cant not looking at them for like...every 5 minutes.

on welcoming d new family to the room..
-ginseng jade-
keep on producing oxygen!

                                                              i love milo.
                                                        and milo loves me back.

"be happy be kind." was Posted @5:23 PM | 0 lovely comments
on learning how to appreciate.

U know u gotta be strong when being strong is the only option left.
U know u gotta fight when things knock u down.
U know u gotta endure coz hurting others is the last thing u wanna do.
U know u gotta be your own superhero when surviving seems impossible.
U know u shouldnt think too much when others dont even care about it.
U know u gotta start believing in yourself when everyone else dont.
U know u gotta think twice before u act coz u're not always right.

And yes i know..
I should reset myself back to normal.
Control my emotions and actions.
Endure the small pains going around in life.
And enjoy life at this moment...
Coz we never know when will be our last smile....
Our last laugh
And simply...our last of everyrhing.

"on learning how to appreciate." was Posted On: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 @10:14 PM | 0 lovely comments
i just hate it

I miss home already
I miss this manja little kid alreadyyyy..
I'm just....
Freaking lazy.

"i just hate it" was Posted On: Sunday, October 20, 2013 @9:55 PM | 0 lovely comments
no place like home

Dear friday...

I woke up at 11 yesterday.
Had my breakfast- nasik lauk ayam kampung ( slrpppp)
Then everyone's ready to go out except...ME!
so i rushed to the closet, put on my clothes..sprayed some perfume n deodarant
And in 2 minutes..i'm all set.

Came back home at noon.
Had a nice nap.
Then had dinner and some tv time with the family

12am...almost everyone had fallen asleep
But i was still having a good time watching masterchef us, greys anatomy and what not
2am..went upstairs n ready to sleep
And then i realized that i havent done my homework yet.
Spend 5minutes staring at the pbl work before saying goodbye to it.

2.35am...i realised something
Oh my God!! I havent had my shower yet for today!!
Crazyyyyyyy badass

Huh...its almost 3 now
Too late for any shower.
Esok jelaah mandi.
Plus i'm going to terengganu tomorrow and will be back on saturday
Am going back to sungai buloh on sunday.
I dont think im going to finish the pbl work.
Woahhh...what a lazy young lady.

Ok time to sleep.

"no place like home" was Posted On: Friday, October 18, 2013 @2:43 AM | 0 lovely comments
oh what the hell

Today is tuesday.
And i eat like theres no tomorrow.
My stomach when from 2months preggy to 5months preggy.
Well it's raya..what more can i say?

And saturday will come n visit us soon.
Yup..saturday-kaklong's graduation day!!
Yup..there'll be another family photo session.
Yup....mama insists me on wearing that songket mini kurung.
Yup..with this tummy.
Yup...i'm imagining it now..
Yes it was a disaster oh my God!!
Oh whatttt the helll!!!

Sit up exercise!!
Do it!!
Until u get the flat tummy!!! (Yeahh righttt)

"oh what the hell" was Posted On: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 @10:35 PM | 0 lovely comments
rase macammmm

dear self....

rase mcm boring gilosss
asal scroll timeline fb je...bnda same je kluar.
rase nk unblock je org2 yg dh blocked dlu2..
but then....... ermm takpelaaah.

rase mcm nk buat account instagram jeeee..
mcm best..
tpi the other day i said that i wont do it..
so ermm takpelaah...it feels like jilat blk ludah sndiri.
awkwardddd + heeeuuwww

rase mcm nk stalk org tu org ni..
tapi...malasss gilosss
ok nope...
actually i cant..
since i got no insta or twitter or whatever u called it dude
pfttt...(go live inside the cave laa)

so anyway..
since i've decided to continue blogging until i'm 7feet under..
(walaupon kakton xde pembaca but thats ok..)
i guess i'm gonna wish myself selamat hari raya aidiladha!!
and congrats dear self since u finally found your 1st jubah ever that suits u..
lainkali blh beli jubah lagi since it's big and huge and black..
and blh mkn byk2 sbb xnampk perut buncet. (hyay!)
p/s : mama once said that i cant wear jubah since i'm coughshortcough..tapi tapi, smlm she said that i look prettayyhhh in jubah...eheeekkkk eheeekkkkk! (please vomit)

and walaupon test hritu dpt b je..
please dont give up..
coz i know it's hard..
and torturing my one n only precious body is the last thing i can think of.
just keep on studying and be calm.

ohhh mann...it's only 12 somthing..
i'm like super bored coz my parents are already asleep.
and here i am...wide awake,

all alonneeeeee...
ok...i guess thats all for now.
till then..

"rase macammmm" was Posted On: Monday, October 14, 2013 @12:34 AM | 0 lovely comments
2more daysssssssssssssssss!!!!!!

I just wanna go home
Le body doesnt want to study anymore...
Just want to go home thats all...

Im tired..
Super tired that  i can sleep during the wholeeeee lecture.
Please please please
I miss everyone..and everything

I'm weak
No mood at all
And i.just.want.to.go.home!!!!!

Dont wanna be here anymore
Friday come quickkkkk...!!

"2more daysssssssssssssssss!!!!!!" was Posted On: Tuesday, October 8, 2013 @11:42 PM | 0 lovely comments

Everybody hurts.

Sometimes when we listen to others' stories
we told ourselves how dumb she is for letting stupid thing bruises her heart.
And little did we realize...so do us.

Sometimes we do things that burden us yet didnt give any profits..
But we do it anyway..
Coz thats the way it is..
We hurt ourselves...and we move on.

Sometimes we didnt want to hurt others
So we  keep the anger inside of us..
And i know it hurts so badly...
But thats just how things are.

And at the end of the day...
U realized..
Ur body...the most precious asset of all..
Is the one thats going to be hurt the most no matter wut

But then again...thats just how things are.
Everybody just get hurt at the end of the day.

"idontknowwhatiwrite" was Posted On: Monday, October 7, 2013 @9:13 PM | 0 lovely comments
i just wanna go home

MSK module is killing me man..
Although i love learning bout it..but 2 weeks of this kind of heavy module?
U gotta be kidding me.
I just hate the fact that i got a test this friday but i'm feeling freakiinnngg lazy coz there's a ridiculous amount of things waiting to be digested n memorized yet here i am...
Day dreaming of me being at home next week...celebrating raya haji.
A week of break that might seems short...but sooo sooo precious.
I want an A...but at the same time, i'm just too lazy to study...
Just get your freaking self studyyyyyy, like seriously.

"i just wanna go home" was Posted On: Wednesday, October 2, 2013 @11:36 PM | 0 lovely comments
perfectly confused

If i could just breathe and ignore all those absurb things going around
If i could just be a stone hearted person n pretend that nothing has ever happened
If i could just live without having to think too much about it
If i could just be a new me
If i could just convinced myself that it's already ended
If i could just be that easy....
I bet everything would be so much easier.

But certainly i cant
And if those awkward-weird-confusing actions could just vanish
That would definitely be soooo much better.

But then again...it wont .
Coz i'm just confuse with myself
I'm confused with everything...

"perfectly confused" was Posted On: Tuesday, October 1, 2013 @9:44 PM | 0 lovely comments

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