my muet test

so yesterday i had the speaking test for muet...
well yes..i'm studying IN, i cant escape from muet.
and basically..muet is wayyy easier compared to toefl n sat.
so..i did, took muet for granted.
my parents only have one advice for me.."u just have to speak as usual"
and surely that didnt helped me a lot.
by the way.."thanks for d advice."
starting to feel guilty, i studied for 2 hours..and it was a loooonnngggg 2 hours u know. (i could've finished watching a movie)
and...yesterday was the day.
i just had an inch of preparation..and i'm ready to screw up.
it turned out to be somekind of disaster.
well..not a total disaster i think.
i did talk..quite a lot..
n i've tried to be outstanding.
but one thing for sure..i didnt know what i was talking about.
i just follow wut my parents n talk n talk.
and i know i was a little, or maybe a lot.. out of the topic..
maybe the examiners n all other candidates think that i was insane.
oh ya..and the topic was challenges faced by students studying abroad.
damn i knew i'll screw up everything.
i even laughed during the discussion..and this is not the 1st time.
so mimi..
sape suruh tido n berangan time klas bel..?
and this is wut u really deserve.
wut a loser!
Labels: muet