been home for like what...3 days? 4days?
and these people all around are freaking ready for raya i tell u..
it's like 2 more weeks before raya n they re already prepared almost
90% for the raya celebration i guess..
woahhh...u re going too fast mak cikss
got 2 more weeks what?
the traffics are going mad every single day..
the shopping malls are flooded with people sometimes it s hard to breathe..
bazaar xyah ckp laah..
even the jewellery shops are full with people..haihh
and during night time it's like mini world war 2 with those fireworks, mercun and what not.
And here i am...
Havent bought any shoes yet...
Havent got my shawls done yet...
And above post-final pimples are still manja2 xnak cool is thattttt?
And my parents are already bising about me not driving while i m at home
and i ve been forced to drive instead of sleep n sleep n eat
But driving in a mad traffic like that
Plus..they've no idea of how chicken shit i am when it comes to parking..
So yeah...u guys gotta be kidding me.
So yeah....
Only less than 2 weeks left for ramadhan...
Means 2 more weeks for raya..
Andddd...2 more weeks for me to turn 20...
woahhh ok relaxx..20 is the new 10.
so just keep calm..n sleeeeep.
home bebeyhhh
Malas malas malas n malas...It's so gooooood to be home, like heaven on earth.
This holiday i vow to..
Sleep like a koala.
Eat like a bear
Be crazy like a monkey
Be a kid
Be loyal to the tv
Bully my lil brothah n sistah
Amd hrmm get myself fit, err maybe not??
And maybe...maybe trying to lose some weight might be a good idea.
Already tried on my baju raya and holy crapppp..i ve gained some weight.
Nice...just nice.
never be a quitter.
Head is about to burst outBrain is about to degenerate
Body is screaming for some rest
I want to stop...but i cant
Either death or alive..
Let it be....i just dont care anymore
Its impossible to memorize everything..
The only option is...tawakkal je lahh.
shall end soon
This is it.2 more days to final and i shall finish my 1st year.
Dear body...
Please keep up your immune level
Dear brain...
Bear with me this time..i know it s hard, but it ll be worth the pain, insyaAllah.
gedik ponteng kelas
Everytime i skip any classes...i ll end up terkantoi..Why...??
I ve never skip any revision class before during this revision week but this morning....
i just cant open my eyes so i decided to wrap myself in the comforter n continue my beauty sleep..
My housemate called me..messaged me, trying to wake me up which can be an impossible task sometimes..
Tapi tahu tak ade perkataan tu nama dia malas yang dia sgt bestttt.
And when they came home...they told me the lecturer aka my mentor called upon my name
Andddd there i was....having a bad romance with the bed.
And now everyone knew how brutal i am..
Ohhhh life is great.
#500 it s already monday
Why do i feel like im not doing the right thingIt feels like i ve been fooling around too much
I dont feel like i m really focused in what i m doing...which can gimme an apocalypse.
I know i shouldnt be over freaked out with this final exam thing..
But it just feels wrong somewhere.
Dear friday...Been having a quite bad day today
And i was a bit down for a while after talking to my sister since she is having a great time kat rumah while me....hidup mcm kt penjara.
I miss crazyyyyy
One more week ....sabar3
I was a bit worried before since i hvent bought my ticket home
My housemates were discussing about balik rumah a day lewat sbb nk enjoy dulu with friends..
But dear housemates...sorry naaaaa, me body is already at me home. Cant help it.
So i ve decided.
Gonna sampai tanah klatan kesayangan the day the exam finish, 24th july.
Gonna bukak puasa with my 2nd sister kt bangi on the 24th right after i finish my exam
Gonna kiss her my evil goodbye sbb dia cuti lmbt lagiii...wahaha
Gonna be a loner sbb blk sorg2 xde kwn tpi aiman xkesahhh
Gonna smpai klatan n sahur kt rumah yepeeeeeeeeeee
Gonna enjoy my 6weeks of holiday like crazyyyyyyy
I'm missing ma like crazy
Am missing spending time with abah n listening him telling me stuffs i dont know.
Am missing kaklong punya desserts and bullying irah n syahir coz they re just so fun to be bullied for
Ok nowwwww...
Enough of blogging.
2more weeks makes me weakkkk
Esok puasa...Uhuuu
Rindu rumah
Rindu rumah..
Rindu everyone...
What am i doing here ?
I should be in klntn right now.
Dahla tiket flight dh burn cegitu je..
Aaaaa..i miss home.
you' re a pain.
Dear monday...Why do they have the guts to hurt someone's feeling?
Does it feels good to them?
Was it a real satisfaction?
Does it makes them shout "eureka" and the run nakedly in public?
Dear self, bear in mind this one thing
dont hurt others' feeling...
U may bring them down the moment u hurt them but at the end of the day..u yourself will get hurt, a lot worst perhaps.
Coz as they said..what goes around comes around.
I may not know enough...but i'm old enough to know how not to hurt others.
So u...i hope u just stay clear from my view.
Although it s not me that u re hurting...but i can feel the pain too.
learn how to control
Was fooling around too muchWas missing my parents...they re here in kl last thursday n will be here again this monday tapi x sempat pon nk visit anak yg kt sg buloh niiiii...
uhhu sedihnyaaa jdi abandoned child.
It s okayyyy...i understand.....baru jumpe je hritu u guys kejar masa kannn.
But still...hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Ok gedik
Was thinking of watching despicable me 2 again (cant get enough of it) tpi xde sape nk temankan...pathethic.
Was having a non productive day so far
Was constantly checking my fb page when there s obviously no new updates...none.
Was thinking of deactivating my fb...coz thisz isz tooo muchhh.
Was hesitating of clickling the 'deactivate' button...
Tuppp...clicked it, imaginarily...(does this word exist???!!!!) reality
I just cant...nnti camane nk stalk people when i've had enough of reading n memorizing or so i thought
So i just didnt do it.
I cant...just cantttt!
And now im struggling with myself..
Open your book instead of facebook.
Sewiously mimi...urghhhhh
tak cukup lagi ke tension study hahhhhhh
Org tu mood swing org ni mood swing
Org ni over tension org tu study laju nk mampus org ni study je xtido2
Herghhh...bosan, malas, meluat nk dgr all of thezeeeee..
I just dont want to over burdened myself with any of these masalah..especially now
Dahla baru sembuh from mild fever n flu...nk tmbah plak dgn mslah org lain...woahhhh please not now.
Not that im not being concerned for u guys but aku banyak nk mampusss lagi kot xcover.
Korg nk gaduh...gaduh lah
Nk perang dingin..perang la
I ll just be the observer
And the kaki makan always.
Sorry naaaaa...this time imma be a bit selfish..a bit je lahh
not feeling well
Feverish feeling, sorethroat, runny nose and insomnia..Well... not really a good idea especially when u have to prepare for the exams.
Oh God...
Give me strength give me strength.
Dear body...level up your immune system pleaseee.
Brain...please endure the pain.