i went to ALOR STAR n SG PETANI!
hihihi..as usual~my mission is to find and seduce cute guys!! (what else?)
as........it's accomplished yo!!
muahahaha...( evil laugh)
but..before that, i wnet to visit my nenek at sungai petani and..it aint boring at all!!
then..rushed to Alor Star! hush!hush!
next day~ SHOPPING!!
i bought a pair of cute (i mean very cute!!) shoes!!!
and..its MARIE CLAIRE!!
ahh..knape mama baik sgt ni?? sayang mama!! muah!
haha..my sisters will envy of me, FOR SURE!! (and..evil laugh again!)
and then..........my family and i went to kuala kedah and eat ikan bakar..
there..i met a malay guy who got a VERY2 cute hair!!!!!!
ahhhhhhh...getting fainted!
i keep looking at him..and so do him!!
- tall (wow)
- eyes (mengancam!)
- hair (dye!OMG!)
- pimples (cannot find even one!)
- skin colour (not so fair..not so dark)
- voice (okey!okey!)
- earings (no!no!...they dont wear it)
hwaaa.......dontwant to go back to kelantan, i wanna stay at that cafe!!
and..there must be a heart burning part..WAJIB!
since i'm so mad..i'll write in bahasa melayu~bhs tercinta..is it?
ade sekumpulan minah2 bohsia pegi kt cafe tu..dorg ckp mcm speaker..abis smua org xle mkn..duk dgr sore dorg yg mcm ayam jantan tu jek! lps tu.......adik bradik jonas bro yg plg nsem skali pon duduk rehat..bace surat khabar..minah yg sore ayam jantan tu pon ckp "wow! nsemnye!"(woit minah gler..mamat tu aku punye la!!) and..my hubby chubby wat xtau jek, ahh i love him so much!! then..laki tu pon antr mknn sy kt meja! ehek!! dia pon tgk kt aku and tanye..soto ni adik punyer? (when u look me in the eyes..and tell me that u love me..)aku pon ape lagi..angguk n senyum (tp..xsenyum sgt, nnti mama n abah tgk!) lps abis mkn tu..minah tu gi beli rokok..mujur yg eldest tu layan sbb 2 lg adik dia duk rehat..(letey kot?) abis jek family aku mkn...aku pon ikut mama g byr kt kaunter. lps tu, yg plg nsem tu panggil, "adik.."(i tought it was me..but, he means my naughty2 lil brother) adik aku tertinggal or sengaja tinggalkan lollipop dia kt ats meja..and, mamat nsem tu pon bg balik lolipop tu kt adik aku. msuk jek kete..aku pon ckp adikku.."laki tu nsem kan" and..my gilo punye adik answered, "mmg la laki tu nsem..tp, mimi udoh!" ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...........my hair stands until the end!!!!
Labels: vacation

u catch my breath, u stole my heart
Labels: sorry
the winner for the whole competition..
ann ann ann..DORAEMON!
Labels: fiesta
Labels: a post from a school girl
hurmm..staying with my grandma is lil bit boring!
since theres nothing to do, so..i snapped few pictures!
hihi..thats all from me..
Labels: a post from a school girl
- semasa bersin, smua organ dlm bdn x berfungsi termasuk jantung~yeke??
- badak air mampu lari pantas drpd manusia~ehh..badak air yg kurus kott??
- tiram boleh mengubah jantinanya utk beberapa kali sepanjang hayatnya~wahh..bestnye klu aku jd tiram
- ngauman singa mampu kedengaran sepanjang 3km
- jika anda menjerit selama 8 tahun, 7 bulan & 6 hari, anda boleh menghasilkan tenaga yg cukup utk memanaskan kopi ~hmm, baik pnaskan ats api jek, klu asyik menjerit, ilangla suare!
- buaya xle menjelir atau menggerakkan lidahnya kerana organ itu melekat pd lelangit~hmm, kurang sket dosa buaya2 sekalian.
- kebanyakan produk di pasaran, semua ade bar code,kan? tp..bar code pertama yg digunakan ialah keatas chewing gum wrigleys..
- semua planet di angkasa bergerak mengelilingi matahari mengikut arah jam, kecuali Venus yg melawan arah jam~aizz, degil btol bdak Venus nih!
- jika usus kecil seseorang manusia dileraikan, panjangnya boleh menjangkau sehingga 4-5 kali panjang manusia itu~wahhhh..so, tinggi jgak la aku kan? hek3..
- haiwan yg paling byk kt ats dunia nih, ialah semut..iaitu 1juta utk setiap org~lorh..patutla penyembur semut senang abis
- tanduk @sumbu badak bukan berasal drpd tulang belulang, sebaliknya ia berasal drpd bulu2nya yg berkumpul & mengeras~euwww...gelinya! ntah2..ngan kutu2 skali leh jadi tanduk badak
- Setengah haiwan dapat meramal bencana, gempa bumi, banjir, ribut taufan, letusan gunung berapi dan sebagainya. Obor-obor misalnya tahu kehadiran taufan 10 atau 15 jam sebelum ianya berlaku dan ini memberi peluang kepadanya untuk menyelam lebih jauh ke dasar laut. Orang Jepun gemar memelihara ikan emas kerana ia dapat mengesan gempa bumi. Ia memberi petanda akan berlaku gempa bumi dengan melompat keluar akuarium beberapa jam sebelum kejadian~ now i know it!
- Ada tiga jenis manusia di muka bumi ini.
-Pertama - belajar daripada pengalaman sendiri; mereka ini dikatakan bijak dan berpengalaman.
-Kedua - mereka belajar daripada pengalaman orang lain; mereka ini dikatakan cerdik dan dapat menikmati kegembiraan dalam hidup.
-Ketiga - mereka yang tidak belajar daripada pengalaman sendiri mahupun orang lain; mereka inilah yang hanyut dengan kebodohan sendiri.
- Pepatung hanya boleh hidup selama 24 jam sahaja~huhu..kecian!
- Kucing tidak boleh merasa rasa manis. ~dont worry! kita semua dh sedia maklum, kucing2 mmg sweet..
- Air liur manusia dikatakan sangat mujarab utk mengubati luka di kulit atau terbakar~huhu, gune air liur sdiri yer!
- Setiap hari jantung manusia mengepam darah seperti melakukan kerja mengangkat satu tan barang ke tingkat lima~yeah! chayoik jantung!
ahha! and..the best fact that i really love is...
- Menghidu (bukan makan) pisang atau epal hijau boleh membantu mengurangkan berat badan~haha, so..klu g supermarket, hidu la byk2! jgn hidu yg ketiak hangit sudahlaa..
- Lembu adalah haiwan yang buta warna; oleh itu ia akan mengejar apa saja yang dikibarkan di depan matanya oleh matador samada kain merah atau kuning~lorhh..patutlaa, buta warne rupanye!
- Di serata dunia, yo-yo adalah sejenis permainan tetapi di Filipina, ia merupakan senjata merbahaya~ish3..
- Nama semua benua bermula dan berakhir dengan abjad yang sama iaitu huruf A~ehh..btol jgak ek!
and..lastly! BAHAN KETAWA plak
Selamatkan kapak
SEORANG bapa dan anaknya yang masih kecil menaiki sampan di sungai yang sangat dalam dan deras airnya.Mereka baru selesai memotong kayu untuk dijual sebagai punca pendapatan sekeluarga.
Tiba-tiba sampan mereka terlanggar kayu besar dan karam.Anak dan bapa terhumban ke dalam sungai.
Bagaimanapun, si bapa segera menyelam dan menyelamatkan kapaknya sebelum berenang ke tebing.
"Mengapa kau selamatkan kapak, bukan budak tu? " tanya orang kampung.
"Bertenang...Kapak aku ni kalau tengelam takkan timbul lagi.Anak aku tu sehari dua lagi timbul la..."katanya.
Labels: cute stuff
on the year of 2005
she took the UPSR exam and score 4A's and 1B
she's really sad with the result...and she knows that her family didnt satisfied with her UPSR result..so, she promise to work harder for the PMR exam..
and..that's also the place where.......
the place where she met her bestfriend..
they still continue their bestfriend relation until now!
Labels: a post from a school girl
- went to school (aiyaaa..bgun lewat)
- then, i was caught by the disicpline teacher (wooo..tkut!!) she asked me, "knape pkai bju PJ?"(so angry meh..) then while smiled as broad as i can, and answered her question.."jap lg PJ" and she say "oklah"~hihi..TERLEPAS!
- after assembly..everyone was weird? (i guess..) some of them were crying, others were jumping and there's also who hugging non-stoply with their friends..(hey, what do i missed?)
- then..i was told by a friend of mine that the SEMAKAN MRSM was already released. (so, i tought, well...klu aku g mesti best, acctually..i wanted to go to the Bentong MRSM since its located nearby the KL..oh yeah! can njoy lah!)
- umm..something unexpectedly happend that sunday..thing that nobody had done to me.. this crazy thing happend when i was talking with my friend..then, she SEMBUR AIR to me!! and..its the water inside her mouth!! OMG!!! lps pd kejadian tu, aku rse gatal sgt lengan yg kno air tu..hwaaaa...geli!!!!!!!!
- after school, went for a shopping (well, u know..it's really unfair if my dad is only the person who can get new stuff,rite?) so, i grabbed a cute yellow shirt n a red +black pants.
- when i reached home.. i checked for the MRSM result..unfortunately, i got rejected.
- ~"kring kring"~the phone ring..its farah nabeela! huhu..pity her! she called me when i was in the bad mood, i mean A VERY BAD MOOD! huhu..farah, sorry!!
- then..at night, my mood was getting better. not sad anymore since i already knew that i was too lazy and my behaviour is not the MRSM type.
Monday~ mama! i dont want to vomit!
- morning, YASSIN time as usual.
- then, BIOLOGY time..did an experiment. ONION CELL
- biology~ at first, the whole class was scolded by the very2 angry teacher. huhu...so scared.
- after that! i dont believe it!! hihi...ok2, let me tell u guys. first..our group was really pening2.."mcm mne nk wat experiment ni, since the teacher told us to be an independent girls! she'll just watch our action and give marks. so strich laaa..but, our group (which is the pening2 group..) got the best view of onion cell under a light microscope(eh..pening la ayat ni..wat2 phm la)
- after recess.."nak kencing! nk kencing! hurryyyyy!!!" so, run to the toilet and..somebody was vomiting "Wekk..wekk" omg!! then..i also do the "wekk, wekk..song" luckily, i just have a drink during the recess..so theres nothing to be vomit laa..
- after school, i haru haru (in malay yah..) my mom. i want to go to TESCO. wanna buy Takoyaki!! then..my mum scolded me..hwaa! she said "smlm dh dpt bju, smlm dh shopping, nk gapo lg? abah nk balik nih" hwaaaaaaaaaaaa...wanna cry ah!
- then we rush to the airport to picked up my dad who just back from Malacca.
- so, the summary is~ i was scolded twice on monday.
- Chemistry time~do an experiment. Chem teacher is wayyy baek hati than the Biology teacher. He told us what to do, step by step. we experimenting the naphthalene cooling and melting point.
- when add math time, i dont concentrate too much. my mind was flying to japan..haha, not really.. so, i dont understand well the COMPOSITE EQUATION.
- after school..went to tesco! yay! takoyaki..wait for me! unfortunately..i was busy shopping for one more time...and the time shown 4.30 pm. omg!!time to pick my sister!
- so, my mom haru haru me.."quick! quick! there's no time for takoyaki..!" hwaaa..wanna cry!
- 5.00 pm..reach home, mkn nasi ayam percik..yum yum! really scrumpcious!
Labels: a post from a school girl

i'll always be mimie yahaya
~smile 24 hours!
~retard 7 days a week!
~crazy for 30 days in a month!
~and....stay cute for 365 day a year! (haha..just ignore this bloody things)
well, maybe i'm not so lucky. dpt 8A's pon dh memadai la..
hmm..thats all i can say..
congrats to all my friends who got to mrsm offer!
i can see ur future shine brigthly (kaloh matahari)